Wednesday, October 17, 2007

10th Annual BUDDY WALK

Sunday October 14th, Bryson and I headed to the Memphis Botanical Garden for the 10th annual Buddy Walk for the Down's Syndrome Association. Although we have been associated with Kelsey, my niece, for 13 years and know about the syndrome, we really didn't know what to expect from the Walk and the function itself. We arrived when the gates opened at 12:30pm at the encouragement of Daddy and met them in the parking lot. There were people EVERYWHERE. I guess that I knew there would be alot of people there but didn't think that there would be the magnitude of people there. The amazing thing was that as we got out of our car the people that parked right next to us were the people that we sat with at the picnic (Down's Syndrome Awareness) who have an infant with DS names Savannah that I held and played with. The mother was telling me that after the Buddy Walk they were going to be taking Savannah to LeBonehr Children's hospital because she had a raspy sore throat but no other symptoms but they just couldn't miss the walk because of the "cause". I talked to Savannah in the stroller and even feeling bad, she smiled at me really big and kicked her little legs and I just know that God is going to take care of that precious baby. But what a small world we live in that of all the people, we pull in and park right next to them.
Anyhow, the Walk was great. Prior to the actual walk time they provided food (which those of you who know and love me know that it is all about the food for me...), had booths set of for games, Buddy Walk bios on the kids (compliments of our sister Cyndi), inflatable jumping areas and slides etc...and other activities for the kids. Then when the time arrived, over 4000 people lined up on the track and walked one mile TOGETHER to support Down's Syndrome and it was an amazing experience. The path was beautiful but the people that it was for and the children that were there were even more breathtaking than the view.
I think that we each need to thank God for all that we have in our lives but as I have said in the past many times, God doesn't make mistakes...but he makes miracles EVERY DAY. And I saw so many of the miracles that he made that day and I only wish that you could have been there to have shared in them with me-
Thank you to each of you who gave donations through Bryson or myself and if you still would like to it is not too late. You can log onto and it will ask you for a participant's name. You can enter either myself or Bryson and then enter your monetary information. Thank you and God bless
Love to you all and til next time-

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