Friday, February 22, 2008

TAG...I'M IT......

I have been tagged by my loving sister Jennifer (and for those of you who have NO idea what I am talking about you can visit her blog at and check out her post about being tagged and it tells all about this game) and I am participating in the telling seven strange/wierd facts about myself. I don't know other people that really blog so I don't have any other people to "tag" onto. So unfortunatley I can't continue this part of the game. But anyway, here goes my part of the game:

1. I hate THONG panties. I really can't stand when my underware unintentionally go "THERE" so to wear a pair of underware that is SUPPOSED to go "THERE" makes entirely no sense to me whatsoever.
2. I don't do boogers. I am a nurse by trade and love it with all my heart and passion. You can put me elbow deep in all the puke, blood and gore you want and I am good to go. You can give me a patient that is on the doorstep of death with the other on a banana peel and I will fight withe everything I have to keep them with us if it is at all AND humanely (I do mean humanely not humanly) possibly but you pull a booger out and show it to me and I am out of that room so fast you would think that a hurricane hit the room. And let me tell you I have been ridden hard about the fact that I am so sickened by them.....
3.I am right handed when it comes to writing but for most other tasks that I undertake in my daily life, I do most of them left-handed. There are many things that I can do with both hands but I paint, give shots, brush my teeth, put on makeup, eat, etc...all left handed.
4. I am the type of person who will overextend myself to a fault. I have a hard time telling people no when they need help and I tend to overextend my services to the point that it takes me away from my family time, my self time and my recreational time (my fun "jodi" time) because I feel like it is things that I am supposed to do.
5. I am a touchy feely person and I think that everyone needs to be hugged. I tend to enter people's personal space when I meet them and all too often after I meet someone, when most people shake hands, I usually hug them.
6. I hate feet. Now, baby feet and little kids feet are ok but the older people get the more yucky their feet get to be. And being the nurse I definately HAVE to look, and touch, alot of skanky feet. You just have to sit back and wonder sometimes if people have just never been introduced to Mr. Dial. And if their smellers work because if I sat around them when they took their shoes off I would be dead in the floor beside them!!! Feet and toes are just not a pretty thing and fixing them up with polish and toe rings are just another way to bring attention to them. Don't get me wrong, it is a nice try...but a little soap and water would do some people a lot more good.
and finally
7.I love hockey fights. I know that being a mother of two boys I am supposed to teach them that fighting is not the answer to problems and that you need to talk through things and find a solution when there is a conflict. But there is nothing better than when two hockey guys are trying to slug it out on the ice while they also are trying to stay up on their skates, landing punches...because once they hit the ice, the referree will break it up. Wow there is just nothing better. Except maybe baseball and football pants. Now there is something. Those pants can really enhance the physique of just about anyone no matter what size guy that you put in them. There is really something about a guy in a pair of baseball or football pants, I have always said. But I guess that would have been #8 and I only needed 7 so I shall stop with my rambling now! Hope you enjoyed my silly little quirks.
Love to you all and til next time-

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