Friday, January 11, 2008

Santa Clause is coming to town....(early)

 we prepared to head to Kentucky for the holidays we had to send a letter to good ole Saint Nick and have him come to our home in Collierville early for the boys so that we could be in Kentucky for Christmas. We celebrated our Christmas morning on the 22nd and it was just as much fun for all of us as a typical Christmas morning. The boys woke up and ran down the stairs in amazement of the gifts that were left for them by Santa. They tore into each one and hardly took time to acknowledge what the content of the package was....kinda reminded me of Grandpa James opening his packages, we would never know what was inside the box that he recieved because he would only open it about an inch...before the had the next package in hand ready to begin their destruction on that one as well. Sis was not forgotten either as Santa left her some goodies too because she has been a mighty good pup this year as well.
The holiday season is so special to me because it is always a time when I know that I am going to gather with and celebrate together with family. It is a time when we celebrate the birth and the life of our Lord Jesus Christ and the life that he lived, then died for us so that we could have eternal life one day in Heaven. It also is a time that I reflect on all those loved ones that we have already said good-bye too and although we are sad that they aren't 'here' celebrating this holiday with us, I am envious that they are in Heaven celebrating the most awesome of Christmas celebrations with the true meaning of the season himself. I can only imagine what the celebration of the Christmas season must be like in Heaven compared to the materialistic celebration that we have turned it in to here on earth. Now mind you, I am not wishing my life away in the hopes of getting to Heaven any faster....but I anxiously await the day that I can join in on THAT celebration. But until then, I relish in the celebrations and the memories that I an honored to get to make with my wonderful family for all the years that I am blessed to be able to.
Love to you all and until next time-

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

My heart did a pitter-patter... when I saw the new post. But now there is a small tear glistening in the corner of my eye... NO PICTURES!!!!!

Oh well... maybe in ANOTHER MONTH.