Saturday, January 12, 2008

Cade's Code

While vacationing in Gatlinburg on the tail end of our holiday trip, Chad decided to take the boys up into Cade's Cove to get a look at the deer that inhabit the land there. There are also bear and other wild life around there but we were told earlier in the week that most of the bear were in hibernation so we probably would not see any. Now....those of you who know me well, know that I don't do well with road that are less than straight. And those of you who have traveled the road to Cade's Cove before know that those road don't even KNOW the word straight therefore I elected to stay back at the cabin with Mom and Dad Hudnall and Sis and lie around watching movies on television while the boys had a day out together.
They really had a great day together and Chad took the camera with them and captured some really great pictures of the wildlfe. My favorite creatures are the two in the last photo!!! :0)
Love to you all and til next time-

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

#1- The boys look too grown up. Tell them to CUT IT OUT.

#2- I am so glad that you all had some family time together... much needed, I'm sure.

#3- Your title says Cades C-O-D-E... not COVE.

Sorry... just had to mention that...