Monday, November 19, 2007

First Wrestling Match


NO...It is just Austin preparing for his first middle school wrestling match since moving to Tennessee. He has been practicing several times a week and although we have been involved in martial arts and boxing he has not even participated in an actual "wrestling match" so we really were not sure what to expect. And remember too, we are still recovering from a broken finger from the ever gentle sport of FLAG FOOTBALL. So November 8th, we headed over to Germantown High School to watch the tournament and although the set-up was very similar to that of the Judo tournys it was different to watch them them roll around wrestling...and the "attire" is a little different than that worn in Judo (much less forgiving in this sport!!!!) :0) Austin has three matches that first tournament and he was worn out after it was done. And when it was over......

...He came away with third place in his weight division. Pretty great for his first time in a wrestling tournament huh???? Way to go HUD!!!! We were really proud of him. And he was worn out!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

WAY TO GO AUSTIN!!!! I'm liking that outfit! Although it is a littel FORM FITTING. ;)