Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Snips and snails and puppy dog's tails.....

...that's what LITTLE BOYS are made of. We are so excited to announce the birth of Lauren and Derrick's son, Jack Michael, born Sunday 9/10/07 at 259pm. He weighed 7 pounds and 5 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. We hear that Mom, Dad and baby are all doing well. And what a wonderful gift for all the grandparents to have received ON Grandparent's Day. Chad and I hate that we can't be there to see sweet Jack but enjoy these pictures and know that he is being loved and cared for by LOTS of people that love him very much. A baby/child coming into your life is such a wonderful, albeit life changing, event and another one of those times when you just have to sit back and remember that we don't control this world and all the rotten things that happen in it....but we have reminders everyday that there is good and beauty still left in this world and God is alive and well and amongst us everyday. He blesses our lives with children, whether by them being our own or by some other avenue, as a reminder of the innocence of the world and the need and responsibility he placed on us as HIS children to raise them up in the way of the Word so that one day we will all live eternally together in Heaven.
God bless Lauren, Derrick and Jack as they enter this wonderful new phase in their life and we wish them many beautiful years of creating memories to cherish for a lifetime.

"To see a newborn is to forget our own egos, to realize how little we do to affect the mystery of creation."

1 comment:

Jennifer said...


Oh, and Jack is cute, too.

ha ha!!!!

Best wishes to the new parents and the new GRAND parents...